CEMExpert is a software dedicated to the prediction of radar cross-section of aerial and naval targets. The software uses both the high-frequency asymptotic method (PO-PTD) as well as the full-wave equation solver (FVTD). A quick calculation is made possible by automated meshing, scripts for azimuthal scans, and parallel processing. The software has been used for improving the stealth performance of UAVs, shape optimization of naval ships, and RCS characterization of target missiles.
We offer CEMExpert for accurate radar cross-section (RCS) predictions. Utilizing the advanced High-Frequency Asymptotic Method (PO-PTD-SBR), the ware enables precise aerial and naval target RCS assessments. Additionally, it includes ISAR Image generation, Dielectric coating modeling, Hotspot detection capability, and utilizes parallel processing for faster simulations. Zeus is DSIR-certified for R&D and has held CEMILAC design approval.