Aeron Systems

A pioneer in Inertial navigation technology, Aeron has been consistently working to bring greater value to its customers through R&D, with the latest features offered at a lower cost but without compromising on quality and reliability.
Aeron inertial measurement units (IMUs), Inertial navigation systems (INSs) and attitude and heading reference systems (AHRS) are in service on military and non-military platforms, delivering consistent performance year after year. These products are COTS (commercially off-the-shelf) and are qualified as per MIL and Automotive standards (depending on the variant). Over the years, Aeron has invested in continuous research and field testing to bring field-proven solutions to the marketplace.
Aeron Systems is India’s leading smart technology company building deep-tech products in the field of Inertial Navigation and the Internet of Things (IoT). The Inertial Navigation Systems and Sensors developed by Aeron are being used for the navigation and control of drones, robots, military vehicles, and aircraft.