The following optional analysis modules are advanced PRODAS modules and require the PRODAS Main Analysis in order to run. All four of these modules include the Analysis BOT module (AT639/A)
The system effectiveness series of analyses is designed to evaluate the lethality of gun ammunition-fire control systems against a variety of targets.
There are analysis modules designed to evaluate many different missions:
- Air Defense (ground to air)
- Anti-ship Missile Defense (ship to air)
- Ground Warfare (ground to ground)
- Air Warfare (air to air, both fixed wing and helicopter)
- Ground Support (air to ground, fixed wing, helicopter, and gunship)
Using this suite of tools, you can quickly evaluate candidate ammunition and gun systems, burst lengths, targets, sensor errors, and system accuracy. Analysis output is focused on the effectiveness of hitting and killing the intended target. Subsequent analysis (maintainability, reliability, affordability, life cycle) is required to determine cost-effective solution parameters.
Air to Air
Fighter aircraft engagements with single and multi-barrel systems.
- Air to Air – Assessment of onboard gun system
- Fighter to Fighter/Helicopter to Helicopter
- Includes aircraft speed and heading and engagement scenario (Head to Head, Side engagement, and Tail engagement
•Lethal area of target
Air to Ground
Helicopter, Fixed Wing engaging armored or materiel targets. Both Gun and Ground Attack Missile
Air to Ground – Ground support assessment
- Heavy to light armor vehicle targets
- Presented target area based on aircraft speed and dive angle
Ground to Air
Air Defense, Missile Defense, UAV Engagement, Impro-vised Munition Engagement
- Ground to Air – Anti Aircraft or Anti Missile assessment
- –Crossing range
- Air Defense (ground to air)
- Anti-ship Missile Defense (ship to air)

Ground to Ground
Vehicle to Vehicle, Dismounted Troops, Direct and Indirect fire missions, Point Detonating, and Air Burst Fuzing. Projectile and Artillery Rockets
- Direct Fire Targets or Indirect
- Armored Vehicles, Soldiers Deployed, Materiel
- Air Bursting Fuzes Point Detonation